Arroyo Vista Charter opened July 20, 1999. Each year this school serves approximately 1000 kids in elementary and middle school, K-8th grades.
This mission of Arroyo Vista is based on individual differences; it is to provide quality education for all children in a safe, secure, and positive environment. Through basic skills and good work habits, children develop a strong self-concept and sense of responsibility. This ensures their being a productive member of society.
Arroyo Vista Charter School shares the district’s vision for our local learning community. Arroyo Vista is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment for all of our children. The children are creative, thinking high-achievers and confident in their own abilities. They are committed to lifelong learning and responsible citizenship. They are unique individuals who take pride in developing their own full potential.
Arroyo Vista’s diversity gives them strength and promotes equity for all. Their learning environment is based on high expectations and clear standards. Families, school, and community work together to benefit all children which fosters respect for one another.